30-Powerful strategies to learning how to successfully overcome all roadblocks in your life

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30-Days to SOAR Study Course

Category: Self-Help

File type: pdf

File size: 0 KB

Price: $149.00


This 30-Day home study course will allow the reader to become a champion over their life.  Every reader will learn steps to take toward overcoming all obstacles (roadblocks) in their life.  As the reader follows each step, they will gain clarity on how to confront issues that have been holding them back and keeping them from achieving their goals and dreams.

Readers must understand that this is their life and they're the only one who can ultimately change the direction of their life.  Realistically they are the only one keeping themselve from success.  You as the reader must agree that today will be the last day that you hold your dreams hostage! 

LaKisha Nevels

Life Transformation Coach


Note: Once purchased and you have completed this 30-day home study course, please contact our office to schedule your 30-minute clarity coaching.

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Area Of Expertise: Human Resources
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