The Truth of Planet X

Like You've Never Heard It Before

The Red Dragon and the Sheep: The Return of Nibiru_logo.png

The Red Dragon and the Sheep: The Return of Nibiru

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This story has been passed down from the Sumerians, who lived in Mesopotamia, the Cradle of Civilzation between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. This geographical area today is occupied by Iraq, Eastern Syria, and Southern Turkey.

The story tells of a planet that has appeared periodically throughout history, about every 3600 years, and  that was knocked out of its orbit during during a great war. Uncover the true meaning of this planet and the secret events surrounding its arrival! Learn what ancient prophecy speaks specifically about this planet and learn what it has to do with your very DNA!

Dr Scott McQuate
Account Type: Ebook
Area Of Expertise: Academics
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